Today is my birthday, heading into the last year of my thirties. I really don't get very caught up in the age thing, so I am actually looking forward to hitting a milestone year next year. Especially because my milestone birthdays always coincide with our milestone wedding anniversaries (every 5 years we try to take a major trip to celebrate).
I had a wonderful day (despite having to work) & was really blessed by the cards I got from Matt & Maddy. They came to pick me up from work & Maddy proudly held her card in her hand saying 'Look what I did Mommy, this is for you' She had drawn in the card & on the envelope, so sweet. We went out for a nice dinner & then to cap the day off, I came home to a beautiful vase of roses.
I also got a lot of nice calls & shout outs on Facebook from family & friends. I can say today that I am truly blessed and grateful for another year of life.
Here are pictures: