Hintons 2015

Hintons 2015

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I'm 3 now!

We celebrated Maddy's 3rd birthday last weekend! She has proudly learned how to use 3 fingers to show everyone how old she is, by the end of the weekend she had gone from a 'gang sign' looking 3 to a normal 3 with her fingers.

She had a full couple of days, with mom taking Friday off to celebrate with a free all you can ride wristband at Mall of America's Nickelodeon Land (quite a bargain for birthday kids as it's normally $30) and a part on Saturday.

We had a fun mommy / daughter day at MOA, but she was still too small to ride many of the things by herself. Of course, she really wanted to go on the big roller coasters but is too little even w/mom. We still has fun & went on a lot of rides. We had a nice lunch and topped it off w/a new dress. I am in big trouble when she gets to be a teen! I went to Children's Place to buy her socks but she took the liberty of picking out a dress & kept bringing me shoes that could go with it.

On Saturday we celebrated with a party with some family & friends at a local indoor playground. The kids had a blast & I was thrilled to be able to do it somewhere other than my house for easy prep & clean up! She got some Kai Lan things & princess things. She is all about dress up now and is really getting into pink, frilly & princessy everything.