Yesterday we met Tracy & Adam along with their daughter Charlotte from back home at Lucy’s for lunch. Lucy’s serves both Chinese & American food which is a nice option to have when you’ve been eating so much Chinese food. I know before I came to China I read on other blogs of family’s who travelled about how they got so sick of eating Chinese food. I used to think ‘Wow, I love Chinese food, how can that happen?’ But now I understand completely what they meant.
In the evening our guide arranged for a boat cruise for the group along the Pearl River. This is the river that the hotel sits on & at night everything is all lit up. It is really beautiful. It’s beautiful to see the old & new parts of Guangzhou at night.
Maddy does better & better each day. Today she let me feed her 2 bottles & is now napping peacefully (none the wiser that daddy is out of the room for a while). It’s just amazing to see her little personality come through so much. She does have a bit of a spicy streak in her too, which is funny because all of the vendors on the island call her a spicy girl when they find out she is from Jiangxi province,
Well, it’s almost time for us to get ready for our Consulate Oath Ceremony. We have an early flight in the morning with a 4:30 am wake up call. Thanks to everyone who followed on our journey, we will post again once we are back home & over our jet lag.
I don't know about you but it seemed like your trip was here and almost over in the blink of an eye! It's so fun to read your updates and follow your journey.
Hey Adam & Tracy! How cool to meet up with other MN friends in China! Have a safe trip was the longest flight ever! But everyone seems to survive ;)
Thank you for sharing your journey, and the pictures of your beautiful daughter! Hope you have/had a safe journey back home.
Amy S.
How's the time zone adjustment going? It took Dave quite some time to get back on MN time. For me, I was on Nyquil because of my bad cold, so that helped me get into the right time zone. I hope things are going well now that you're home :) Hope to see you soon!
Hey - look at us in China!! :)
We are still having time zoi=ne adjustment issues. But then again, we just got home last night. I think it was last night anyways ;)
--Tracy, Adam and Charlotte (who is screaming now from being overtired and has been awake since before midnight. It is now 5am.
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