Hintons 2015

Hintons 2015

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Grandmas & Hats

I have occasionally written about how blessed Maddy is to have so many living grandmothers. Over Mother's Day weekend, we had the opportunity to spend a little time with all 3. Our church held a 'Hats off to Women' brunch on the Saturday before Mother's Day that my mom & mother-in-law attended. We had a really nice time & enjoyed listening to women at different places in their life speak about the 'hats' they were wearing in this season of their life. Here are a few photos of the event:

Maddy with Grandma Mommy & Grandma Linda

My mom was the grand prize winner for the best hat- she is a Red Hat Lady so she is semi-professional in her hat wearing & collection

On Sunday, we headed to a nursery after church to pick out some flowers & veggies for our gardens. My stepmom came with us & was also wearing a hat that day. I thought this was pretty cool to be able to have each grandma in a hat for the weekend. Here are a few photos from that:

Hanging out with Grandma Lenore at the nursery


Beth said...

You're right, Tanya! So so blessed!

These are adorable pictures. I can't believe how Maddie has grown. Look at that looooooonnnnnnnnnggggggg hair! She is adorable!

Louanne said...

That is FANTASTIC!!!

Dan and Karen said...

Wow, darling pictures! I love the hat theme for the ladies luncheon too.

Maddy is getting so big and she is as cute as ever!