Although we're not super into Halloween and all the spooky stuff that goes with it, we took Maddy to our church's Pumpkin Party dressed as a Panda. They had lots of fun things to do like various inflatables for jumping & climbing, carnival games & foods, face painting, a cake walk & a spin art room. I think I had more fun w/the spin art though than either Daddy or Maddy. Maddy won a little super ball doing the duck pull & you would think that it was a million dollars by the way she protected that ball not letting it out of her site all evening.
Our friends Lawrence & Joyce were up from Milwaukee so we stopped by to see them and there was a house full of little girls 2 & under so that was fun to see them all interact & jump in the mini inflatable at the house. We also stopped by Maddy's Great Aunt Janita & Uncle Bob's house, but Maddy was disappointed that 'Nia' wasn't home:(
Here are a few pictures:
Our friends Lawrence & Joyce were up from Milwaukee so we stopped by to see them and there was a house full of little girls 2 & under so that was fun to see them all interact & jump in the mini inflatable at the house. We also stopped by Maddy's Great Aunt Janita & Uncle Bob's house, but Maddy was disappointed that 'Nia' wasn't home:(
Here are a few pictures:
Maddy w/her friend Olivia Lawrence, Joyce & our God Daughter: Aarilyn
Maddy & Jayah
That's the cutest panda I've ever seen!
I agree with Amy! I love that sweet face.
Just found your blog, while reading other blogs.
This is going to seem completely random, since you don't know me from Adam... :)
Here goes - We live in the Twin Cities too and we're originally from Texas. I see that you have a photo on your sidebar from Amarillo. I'm just curious how you ended up at the Cadillac Ranch. Vacationing? :)
What a cute little panda she is!
Now that's one cute little panda!
Awwwwww - what an adorable panda!!
pretty little panda!!
Super cute panda!
I'm so sorry I missed seeing that adorable little panda - and mom and dad! I just knew you'd stop by, Linda and I always used to take the boys to visit the grandmas on Halloween. I have cute pics with them and great-grandma Ella. I promise to be around next Halloween! Love you all! Auntie Shanita
Way too adorable!!!!
Hi- I'm Nathan's mom. I was at the photo shot at Como with Miss & Bridgit. From their website I found your blog. What a beautiful story about your first meeting with Maddy! She is beautiful and what a personality!
Thanks for letting me know. I just thought it was so interesting that you had the photo from Amarillo. :) We lived there for 10 years and 3 of our children were born there.
Just had to know the scoop. Thanks!
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