Maddy was so sweet during the whole thing though. She could tell that I was upset & said 'It's ok Mommy' kisses' & she gave me a kiss. Kids are just so smart & have a knack for knowing the situation for what it is.
I am glad though that it was towed & not stolen. I wasn't sure at first when I saw it gone if it has been stolen & then as I was calling to get the Impound Lot # I saw the truck roll by with my car on the back.
I have been off this week & have not taken 1 picture, I guess it's a little hectic trying to be a solo parent for 2 weeks.
I did manage to find this photo from a recent archive of an adorable outfit Maddy wore to church a couple of weeks ago (thanks Amy for passing on the blazer).
Oh no! But on the other hand, how terribly sweet of your little darling. I am impressed that you kept your head. I am not sure how/what I would have done. Kudos to you.
Hope your day is better!
How frustrating!!! Way to go Maddy for cheering mom up.
That's a bummer, but I am glad that Maddy was so sweet.
Think I would have freaked!! Seems little ones know just the right time to be sweet:) Love the outfit on Maddy, I keep saying I need to take pictures every Sunday of Lily in her dresses and I never do??
Maddy is so sweet! I'm so sorry that happened and all while Matt was out of town.
Now go get that camera fired-up!
So sorry to hear about your car
situation!!! I would of freaked!
I recieved your beautiful fabric
& square...The ChinaDoll fabric
I used for the backing of Allie's
big quilt, I'm happy Hannah will
have some too. I also loved the
other fabric too. Congrats on
your paperwork moving forward I
am getting antsy and calling NBC
Thanks Again :-) xo
Is that the jacket I gave away? She looks so cute! Sorry about your car ... figures it happens when Matt's gone.
Oh. WOW. I can't believe you didn't tell us this on Saturday! Maybe it still smarted too much. Poor Tanya!! Program me in your phone, ok? :( Glad you had someone to help out. This reminds me of when we were moving to MN YEARS ago and my dad was driving the moving truck through New Mexico and was trying to show our cat the litter box on the passenger floor. He went off the road and got stuck in the thick NM mud and had to get a tow. We got that cat for free originally, but from then on, he called her the $200 cat. (ps. this may be my longest comment to date!)
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